life by design not by default
What is it?
It is basically a life coaching program that you will be doing in English! There are a few significant differences though…
This is how it began… I had the idea to create the program Life by design – not by default by observing some aspects that most of my students had in common:
- Many of them had been studying English for a long time and were sick and tired of using regular English books. At the same time, they felt the urge to continue the classes in order to not lose fluency gained after so many years of hard work.
- Most of them came from the corporate world, had very unbalanced lifestyles, and were generally unhappy with two to three areas of their lives, sometimes more.
- Most students led very busy lives and had limited amounts of time and money. This made it difficult for them to invest in a coaching program or therapy in addition to the English classes and other activities they were already participating in.
The definition of by design in the dictionary is: as a result of a plan, intentionally while by default means through lack of positive action rather than conscious choice.
As a transformational coach and a student of human potential for many years in addition to being an English teacher, it did not take long for me to realize that most people live by default, having little or no control or choice over their own lives. They go with the flow, dealing with things as they show up. They have neither the time nor the energy to develop and work on their goals. And, most often, they feel totally hopeless and despondent.
Meanwhile I, as a teacher, was tired of using boring English textbooks with topics that, not surprisingly, my students did not relate to. It was then that I had the thought: why not bring together two areas of my expertise: teaching English and life coaching? Why not use their limited amounts of time, energy and, sometimes, money and do both things at the same time? Practice English and, simultaneously, work on developing a life of their choice? A life by design, not by default?
How does it work?
Making use of coaching tools and techniques, we are going to dive deep into each of the twelve areas of your life. We are going to find out what might be some of your limiting beliefs in that specific area, define new ones that serve you best, develop a vision for what you would like that category to be like and, finally, work on an action plan to assist you put in practice what you have defined as essential to you.
How long does it last?
A regular life-coaching program lasts approximately three months in which you work on a specific goal that you would like to achieve. Life by design – not by default is a little different. While we are still using the same tools and techniques, the objective here is that you design your life and work on it consistently with the plus of doing that in English! Speaking about what matters the most: your own life.
I can anticipate some of your questions so here might be some of the answers:
Yes, I will be correcting your mistakes as you talk!
Yes, we will be doing listening and reading exercises but they will be about the area of your life that you are working on at the time. So much more fun and useful!
Yes, you will be writing as well! You will be designing your life after all!
No, we do not have to review any grammar points if you do not wish to. However, we can definitely do it if you feel the need.
The program should have a duration of at least three months for you to work on the three most critical areas of your life, but the ideal would be to work on all the twelve areas and that could last as long as you wish!
Yes, I will provide the material and it is included in the price of the program.
Yes, you can do it in a group or with your partner as long as you do not mind talking about your life in the presence of others!
Yes, you can do it from anywhere you like since the sessions can be done by Skype!
If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to contact me! I will be glad to answer them.
How can it help you?
Using coaching tools, you will work to develop a more balanced lifestyle while speaking in English about yourself and your goals. You will spend time and energy working on a life that you have designed, that is meaningful, has a purpose and a direction defined by YOU.
Besides that, how awesome is it to have a certified life coach assisting you on a regular basis to navigate through life challenges?
Who is this program for?
It is for people who already have a good level of English, who can express their ideas and understand others easily. It is not a program for beginners. If you are not sure, contact me to arrange a 30 minute talk to see if Life by design – not by default is for you!
How much does it cost?
That will depend if the session is online or face to face. It will also depend on the number of sessions a week you decide to have. Send me an e-mail and find out.